Incidencia del TLC en el Subsector Lácteo en Nariño


  • Linda Marcela Acosta Ortíz Universidad de Nariño
  • María Helena David Universidad de Nariño



Globalizing processes, Nafta, Dairy Subsector, social impact


bearing in mind that globalization processes have a major impact on regional economies, this article analyses the implications of a Nafta in the region. Nariño has a territory large in agriculture and whose potential has not been properly developed, given conditions of small farms, lack of industry and the tertiary sector increasing, hence it is necessary to step into the dynamics of the dairy subsector, it is one of the most important to the economy of Nariño.

The paper analyzes the implications that for the dairy sector would bring in Nariño, the implementation of Nafta that the Colombian government wants to initiate with the U.S., This is done by means of quantifying the impact of Nafta on the dairy sector and social impact analysis of this treaty in the region, finally make a proposal from the economic to facing this phenomenon.


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How to Cite

Acosta Ortíz, L. M., & David, M. H. (2016). Incidencia del TLC en el Subsector Lácteo en Nariño. ESTUDIOS LATINOAMERICANOS, (26-27), 62–68.

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