La Propuesta de las Mediaciones Dialécticas del Curso Histórico. La Propuesta de Filosofía de la Historia Latinoamericana de Joaquín Sánchez Macgrégor
Philosophy of history, dialectical mediationsAbstract
This paper addresses the concept of “dialectic” that support, which is apparent from its research around a philosophy of Latin American history. So we present his proposed “dialectical mediation,” which is different from the dialectical notions of Hegel and Marx, especially the latter has given rise to various positions that are called left who postulate the revolution as the only means of take power and thus the need to exterminate the ruling class. In this sense, our author also considers important the need to change the social situation today, but considering other alternatives, other examples of benefit to the society prior to provoke violence. So that is the “moral power” factor “dialectical mediation,” which will install in the minds of human beings are not divided or separated into two irreconcilable groups (poor and rich).
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