Hacia la Reflexión Acción en la Práctica Pedagógica una Mirada en Tiempos de Globalización(es).


  • María Victoria León Grimaldos




Globalization, practice teaching, eflection, action, research, change


The research proposal of the University of Tolima envisions from deep study of the workshop of design of the program of architecture, in an analysis that will examine the influential phenomenon of globalization, sown in the education system under the concentration of action and practice of the teaching as the figure of the pedagogical transformation; Maria Grimaldos part from a first pondering: “the (s) globalization (is) and as them involved in it education current” as the need of a reflection put in practice to dismantle them “replica of an all”. In the second instance it works under the academic formation of the “integrated curriculum research in architecture’ where is exactly the stimulant of the”reflexive action”research. Finally the objective main is will see since in the dynamism of the research, thanks to the “experience training of the workshop of architecture III, during them semester b 2010, to 2011 and b 2011”, the constancy of this practice academic of around a year, encouraged to form a spirit creative and reflective impacting in the construction of projects and changes administrative with improvements in the Plan Curricular


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How to Cite

León Grimaldos, M. V. (2016). Hacia la Reflexión Acción en la Práctica Pedagógica una Mirada en Tiempos de Globalización(es). ESTUDIOS LATINOAMERICANOS, (30-33), 119–128. https://doi.org/10.22267/rceilat.12133033.58

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