Deuda Externa Soberana: Drama Social Latinoamericano en la Década de 1980 y Tragedia de la Europa Postmoderna en la Década de 2000


  • Roberto Posso Ordoñez



External debt, drama and tragedy


Let me explain the reason for the title of this paper. Although it refers to two theatrical genres originating in ancient Greece before a problem linked to the sovereign debt of the countries of our planet, this figure has been used to resemble the drama to the crisis of the external debt of Latin America at the end of the 20th century and as a tragedy to the debt crisis started in Europe at the beginning of the 21st century. From the perspective of theatrical genres, a “drama” is the representation of an action of everyday life in which the characters involved in it, use dialogue to address serious and profound issues. “Tragedy” is a work whose content causes terror and a fatal outcome. In this theatrical genre, as in the time of Aeschylus or Sophocles, illustrious or heroic characters involved, while that for Sophocles, its characters are people problems and unsafe, too far away from the classical model. To complete the bleak panorama of the current tragedy, we - humans - are part of the protagonists and who will suffer the consequences of the crisis of the Greek debt and the global recession, case to arise.


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How to Cite

Posso Ordoñez, R. (2016). Deuda Externa Soberana: Drama Social Latinoamericano en la Década de 1980 y Tragedia de la Europa Postmoderna en la Década de 2000. ESTUDIOS LATINOAMERICANOS, (30-33), 189–198.

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