El Contrapoder, hacia una Teoría del Empoderamiento Social


  • Roberto Mora Martinez Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México - UNAM




Counterpower, Political Program, Power, State Control


The term “Counterpower” arising from the desire for the creation of a productive political praxis will be the main reference in the analysis of Roberto Mora Martínez, welcoming the Dialectical Mediations of Joaquín Sánchez Macgrégor, noting that “politics can be conceived as a struggle or As an element of integration “. An applied political philosophy, staged on the struggle of the State Power, in a meticulous exercise of the Counterpower in an active and non-violent way, an ideal that while political power is exercised for the benefit of a minority installed in the social control posts “The Counter Power seeks the establishment of rights and benefits for the majority”. A social study that is based on this and multiple proposals unanimous, germinated of the need to “change the way to fight”, that is, to end a system based on private property, and the importance of understanding the social context of the Which one wishes to thrive, without having to exercise violence as a “weapon of struggle”.


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How to Cite

Mora Martinez, R. (2018). El Contrapoder, hacia una Teoría del Empoderamiento Social. ESTUDIOS LATINOAMERICANOS, (34-35), 77–86. https://doi.org/10.22267/rceilat.143435.46



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