The question of humanism in Colombian philosophical thought: taking into account the research study of the "process of philosophy in Colombia"


  • Franklin Giovanni Púa Mora Universidad de San Buenaventura



Humanism, Philosophy


Within the frame of reference of the research project on the “Process of Philosophy in Colombia”, inspired by the original idea of Jaime Vélez Sáenz and whose purpose is the preservation of the national philosophical memory, a reflection on the theme of humanism is proposed in a secularizing sense and that can be contrasted with the traditionalist vision of it based on the Latin heritage, exemplified by the work of the lawyer José María Rivas Sacconi. For this purpose a presentation of the vision of humanism based on the Latin heritage is made and then a key reading of two representative authors of the socalled Philosophical Normalization in Colombia is sketched: Abel Naranjo Villegas and

Cayetano Betancur. In these two authors, who are registered within the context of the professionalization of philosophy in the country, we are looking for an investigative path of inescapable topicality in the 21st century world, in which many of the bastions of the modernity, like the aforementioned consideration of humanism.


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How to Cite

Púa Mora, F. G. (2018). The question of humanism in Colombian philosophical thought: taking into account the research study of the "process of philosophy in Colombia". ESTUDIOS LATINOAMERICANOS, (38-39), 59–68.



Reflection Document No Derivative Research

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