The religious beliefs and the cultural imaginaries influence, in the artistic education creative processes, on the students of the town of Tambo, Nariño region, in Colombia


  • Carlos Arturo Jimenéz Ordóñez Universidad de Nariño



religious beliefs, culture, creativity, artistic education


The object of this study of this research is religious and cultural beliefs, present in
young people and how they directly affect the creative processes in Art Education.
We will analyze the creeds in young people and how important it is in the processes
of creation, which will take the qualitative paradigm, because it allows an understanding
of the symbolic imaginaries, present in then and eleventh grade students, de la
Institución Educativa Municipal Sagrado Corazón de Jesús de El Tambo, Nariño. We
know that today secularization (disappearance - transformation of the religious) and
modernity centered on individualism, there is an emptying of the religious presence, giving strength to nihilism, scientism and a disenchantment of the world, Process
that has been changing and in the case of Latin America in a postponed manner. For
this reason, it will be investigated from the historical-hermeneutic approach, where
we have four aspects hermeneutically analyze: Religious beliefs, cultural beliefs in
adolescents, role of institutions and artistic creations, in order to better discern and
interpret the changing and dynamic world.


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How to Cite

Jimenéz Ordóñez, C. A. (2018). The religious beliefs and the cultural imaginaries influence, in the artistic education creative processes, on the students of the town of Tambo, Nariño region, in Colombia. ESTUDIOS LATINOAMERICANOS, (42-43), 57–67.



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