Walls to pull down. In relation to data sources and historical method





History, Method, Research, Hermeneutics


I bet this idea of abstract serve as a provocative idea; to achieve that purpose, I assume position reveal a set of statements that are not exposed explicitly in the text, which are not found in the text but if you recreate permanently as Intertextuality. The interesting thing is, and input; "" reveal the "unspoken" as text in the idea of summary, put the subject on the route and anticipate the hermeneutic moment.

You might say, that these times; which we are living and the languages with which them we are reading and understanding, are themselves for the recognition of a world in constant dispersion and free associations, ambivalence and ceaseless invention, of the presence of alternative and as collateral, the correlation of things and ideas of particular ambiguity and swing, the denotative language which has become a Jazz musical art and arms through a compass of cadences mediated by the presence of open rhythms, rhythm that frees the language of the  cold, flatness and grammar as "solid" and returns it; Initially, sponge and  

porous concurrency. Well it could be said that the "battle" of contemporary life is taken in these dimensions. Are we witnessing to the collapse of the compact Territories, "closed" by the creation of indeterminate, "open" spaces? What be glimpsed then is the presence of a new way of grasping the world. Say that our life in today's world is expressed openly, smooth and nomadic; Rhizomatic way would say Gillez Deleuze, is a reading of approach more "subversive" of the "big" paradigms that dominated the logic of the Western world since the time of Aristotle, who were projected as the knowledge of the truth and now, thanks to the new lines of flight that opens this healthy and necessary 'subversion' will span new and innovative ways to investigate these sociological realities, away from the ghost of the truth.


View homeland to this precept, I will move me towards the complex universe of the so-called "social research" and the dilemma that opening the Rhizomatic way, of this new interstitial reality which we must we face researchers when we anticipate our question task. It can result in a serious obstacle if not put in discussion the issue of the method?, save this obstacle may be the best start to illuminate the path of research and social researcher can make your practice a good breath exercise.

However, it is worth considering a central element and which makes the difference regarding the mode and manner in which we face and read these new realities, the theory. The controversy about the role that must comply with the theory and relevance that will give it the researcher are very frequent. In this regard I must say that the theory is the element that is of importance of the research process. I.e., it is in the practice of research where it becomes operational theory and this is what gives meaning to the office of social research. This should translate into a sort of exercise "of hermeneutical phenomenology"


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How to Cite

Salas Salazar, V. F. (2019). Walls to pull down. In relation to data sources and historical method. ESTUDIOS LATINOAMERICANOS, (44-45), 80–88. https://doi.org/10.22267/rceilat.194445.26



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