Agrotourism as a community alternative for the rescue of the High Andean and historical zone of Tacines, Nariño - Colombia




Planificación de fincas, agrobiodiversidad, ecosistemas estratégicos, desarrollo local, turismo rural


Tacines historical route, is located between the municipalities of Buesaco and Pasto, department of Nariño, Colombia, presents a natural valuable and historical heritage for the high Andean region, however, it does not present a sustainable use. In this sense, the objective of the study is to evaluate the agrotourism potential of the territory focused on local development, the methodology involved a characterization exercise, farm typification, diagnosis and participatory design oriented to agrotourism alternatives. The results showed the strengths of the study area in terms of ownership, family labor and the presence of agrobiodiversity as a contribution to the agrotourism proposal in the territory; four farm typologies were classified as follows: Ecological restoration and establishment of civil society reserves (type 1 farms); silvopastoral systems to contribute to the forage supply and improve technologies and consolidate sustainable agricultural production models (type 2 farms); mixed orchards (type 3 farms); and vertical agriculture systems (type 4 farms). It is concluded that the study area has agrotourism potential, highlighting the positive community value and its integration with cultural and historical elements of the region, allowing the possibility of sustainable agricultural activities as an alternative for the local development of the territory, contributing to the landscape value of the high Andean zone, based on the natural heritage (biodiversity) represented byforest relicts, and potential areas, which allows the inclusion of woody perennialsin the farm for the implementation of agroforestry systems.


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How to Cite

Delgado-Vargas, I. A., Cadena Pastrana, Álvaro M., Luna-Cabrera, G. C., Escobar Pachajoa, L. D., & Moreno Villota, M. E. (2024). Agrotourism as a community alternative for the rescue of the High Andean and historical zone of Tacines, Nariño - Colombia. ESTUDIOS LATINOAMERICANOS, (52-53), 5–20.



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