Political literacy: a key concept to consider for an education at the service of social justice in the Chilean context





Enfoque crítico de la justicia social, Opresión institucionalizada, Alfabetización política, Justicia social, Estallido social chileno, Educación para la justicia social


By observing Chilean society from a critical perspective of social justice, it is possible to identify that most injustices lie in institutionalized oppression (Young, 2011) and a lack of recognition (Honneth, 1995) exercised by economic elites towards the rest. of the population, facilitated by a neoliberal culture that has weakened people’s interest in public affairs and encouraged their passivity as political subjects. Although the social outbreak of October 2019 has favoured an environment of greater daily political discussion in Chilean society, the lack of political education has not been corrected.

This article proposes to explore the relationship between the concept of political illiteracy (Giroux, 2016) and social justice, as a way to understand the generalized political indifference that has characterized Chilean society for decades in the face of the injustices it has experienced, and to value the role that education could play in developing political literacy as a dimension of agency, thereby contributing to developing a more autonomous society and protagonist of its own destiny.


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How to Cite

De la Iglesia, P. E. (2024). Political literacy: a key concept to consider for an education at the service of social justice in the Chilean context. ESTUDIOS LATINOAMERICANOS, (52-53), 80–95. https://doi.org/10.22267/rceilat.235253.119



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