Entrepreneurial resilience in the post-quarantine period COVID-19





Emprendimiento, Sector servicios, Supervivencia de la Empresa


This research carries out an analysis of the resilience of entrepreneurs in the service sector, in the face of the economic crisis generated by quarantine and isolation due to the COVID-19 virus pandemic. For this, a documentary and descriptive method are used; consisting of the review of secondary sources (50 documents; articles, book chapters, and official reports in countries of America, Europe, Asia, and Africa), identifying the strategies, changes, and measures implemented by entrepreneurs in the service sector. More than 12 common strategies stand out; change of service modality, commercialization means, economic activity, the reduction of personnel, and the closure of companies; therefore, an analysis of the impact on unemployment in the sector is needed.


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How to Cite

Rebolledo Castillo, D. M. (2024). Entrepreneurial resilience in the post-quarantine period COVID-19. ESTUDIOS LATINOAMERICANOS, (52-53), 119–133. https://doi.org/10.22267/rceilat.235253.122



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