Code oh Ethics
The Code of Ethics for the publication of articles is presented to the academic and research community in order to guarantee the quality and integrity of the articles published in the Journal of Latin American Studies and to abide by the ethical principles that direct and sustain the research processes. This code considers the precepts established in the "Code of Conduct and Good Practices defined by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the Singapore Statement on Research Integrity, and the ethical principles of the University of Nariño (Quality Management University of Nariño).
After delivery of the article to the Editorial Committee of the Journal of Latin American Studies, the author must read, accept, and comply with the rules, criteria, and procedures for delivery, evaluation, and selection of articles. The author must also take into account aspects such as:
- Originality and Integrity
- The researcher or main author must submit articles that are products of their own research or academic work to the Editorial Committee of the Journal of Latin American Studies; the articles must be original and unpublished.
- The author must verify that the content and structure of the article to be presented is in accordance with the policies established by the Editorial Committee.
- The author must assume responsibility for all the contributions included in the article, guaranteeing that the information and data that were used to support his arguments have not been manipulated fraudulently or inappropriately.
- The articles submitted for publication in the Journal of Latin American Studies should not be presented to other entities or mechanisms of publication, totally or partially.
- If there are requests for clarification or corrections by the editor or peer reviewers about the content of the article, they must be answered in a clear, respectful, and timely manner.
- Recognition of Authorship and Sources
- The main author of the article must ensure that all authors who are involved in the preparation of the article are clearly and correctly named, verifying that they effectively meet the authorship criteria. In addition, verification of their consent must be presented.
- The contributions of other texts and/ or publications as well as the data, texts, figures, or ideas that are referenced in the article must be duly recognized. The authors must cite the publications clearly, complying with the citation standards adopted for the journal.
- The author must respect and comply with the plagiarism policies that are outlined in this code of ethics.
- The author must mention the names of the persons, positions, or entities that contributed towards the elaboration of the article. Previous authorization of the same must be included, ensuring that no conflict of interests occur.
- General Aspects
- Fulfill and respect the decision of the evaluators’ suggestions, comments, and decisions made regarding the article.
- To carry out the procedure of reception and evaluation of articles, the "double blind" system will be used. The authors and the evaluators will not be advised of the identities of the other. We recommend that the authors not mention their identity in the content of the article.
- In order to guarantee the objectivity, reliability, and integrity of the article, the author(s) must fill out and sign the declaration of interests form which can be downloaded from the website or claimed directly from the Center for Latin American Studies and Research (CEILAT) office.
- The Journal of Latin American Studies will not approve or publish an article if the requirements established herein are not met.
- If the article presented for evaluation is approved for publication the author(s), or owners of the rights, must grant them to the Journal of Latin American Studies-Universidad de Nariño.
Obligations and Responsibilities of the Editor
The Editor of the Journal of Latin American Studies, in order to comply with good practices for the dissemination of knowledge and guaranteeing the quality, commits to:
- Guarantee that the revision processes of the articles received for evaluation and subsequent publication are done objectively, impartially, rigorously, and according to the guidelines adopted.
- Present corrections, clarifications, or justifications requested by both the editorial committee and the evaluators in a timely manner.
- Respect the confidentiality and plagiarism policies adopted by the Journal.
- Maintain authors informed about article status from reception to delivery of the final concept.
- Quickly process and respond to complaints or requests received regarding reception, evaluation, selection and publication.
- Make decisions and act on any suspicion of plagiarism, falsification, or manipulation of data that compromises the veracity of the article, and inform the authorities beit necessary.
Obligations and Responsibilities of the Evaluator
The peer reviewers appointed by the Journal of Latin American Studies are professionals of high academic quality who will responsibly and under strict ethical standards provide their services of evaluation and selection, therefore committing to:
- Declare competence in the subject-matter of the article submitted for evaluation before accepting it.
- Follow the procedures and standards of evaluation on the document delivered by the editor.
- Respect the confidentiality policy established by the journal.
- Carry out an objective, clear, and constructive evaluation.
- The evaluators commit to officially submitting their observations within the dates established.
- The evaluator must fill out and sign the declaration of interests form that can be downloaded from the web page or claimed directly from Center for Latin American Studies and Research (CEILAT) office.
Plagiarism and Confidentiality Policies
- The Journal of Latin American Studies seeks to ensure that the process of evaluation and selection of the articles to be published is carried out objectively, for which it will use the double blind peer evaluation system. By virtue of the above, both the authors and the evaluators will not know each other's names. The article will be delivered by the editor in a sealed envelope, stating only the title of the article assigned to the evaluator.
- The editor and all editorial staff should not issue any judgment or information related to the articles during the reception and evaluation process. Information can be shared or exchanged directly with the author, the evaluators or the members of the editorial committee, only if it is strictly necessary.
- The content of the articles submitted for publication will remain confidential until published. When the article has been selected for publication, the author must cease the patrimonial rights and authorize the publishing committee to publish the document according to the established procedures.
- The author must declare that the article submitted for publication is original and unpublished, taking into account that copyright laws were respected during preparation, and that the article is void of plagiarism. In addition, the corresponding acknowledgments must be made as established in this code of ethics.The author must fill out and sign the declaration of interests form which can be downloaded from the web page or claimed directly from Center for Latin American Studies and Research (CEILAT) office.
- In the event that the Editors or Evaluators detect and verify that the author of the article has committed plagiarism using the Software Plagiarism Detector 1092 and through the platform, the editorial committee will be in contact to clarify the circumstances and due action will be taken regarding the case and its seriousness.
Committee on Publication Ethics: COPE. (s.f.). Recuperado el 10 de 11 de 2016, de Committee on Publication Ethics: COPE:
Gestión de Calidad Universidad de Nariño. (s.f.). Recuperado el 13 de 11 de 2016, de Gestion de Calidad Universidad de Nariño:
Singapore Statement on Research Integrity. (s.f.). Recuperado el 10 de 11 de 2016, de Singapore Statement on Research Integrity: