La Minificción como Palimpsesto: La Literatura en el Contexto Escolar


  • Fabio Jurado Valencia



Literature, education, interpretation, pedagogy of projects, Mini fiction


Who teach literature finds the dilemma if the literature is and art, or science, because the science can be teaching. The writers help us to clarify this challenge. Ortega y Gasset, for example, who was University teacher, the work commit us is the make students feel the need through the texts. Only who feels the need to read and study, said Ortega y Gasset, can assign meaning to the worlds that are represented in the texts and if built felt in this complex process of the Act of reading is because it has been entering the play that requires interpretation. The interpretation is possible because the reader puts in operation the machine of cognitive associations: we understand and interpret the texts since the update of knowledge that make part of our encyclopedia.

Then, school commits to make feel in the students and oneself as a teacher, need to know everyday something more ever since we know it. To get it, the school and teachers must bets on various possibilities and one of them is the work with the brief texts and since the pedagogy of projects. In this article we intend to work with the literary text of short character; it’s put in dialogue texts from different periods in a process that goes from the brief text to the canonical text. Bet you to the hypothesis according to which from the short text, such as the contemporary arising, it is possible to feel the need to know the origins of each texts, this leads to the larger text. Corresponds to the master propose texts as if it was a card game, in each text has a value and each player has to search the text of greater relevance.


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How to Cite

Jurado Valencia, F. (2016). La Minificción como Palimpsesto: La Literatura en el Contexto Escolar. ESTUDIOS LATINOAMERICANOS, (26-27), 117–133.

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