Estrategia Didáctica, Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos, competencias científicas, ciencias naturales, educación ambientalAbstract
At present, educational institutions have little strengthening, in the scientific competences that, in effect, are the combination of knowledge, capacities that are set in motion in a context. (Hernandez C. A., 2015), we will address them in the area of natural sciences and environmental education.
Consequently to solve this problem, one of many teaching strategies that exist. But in this we will address the “Project Based Learning”, since it seeks to develop and work on students, the following skills such as: exploring facts and phenomena, formulating hypotheses, collecting information and organizing information, evaluating methods and sharing results. A pedagogical commitment, for the area of natural sciences and environmental education, has to do with modifying the traditional system, by a projectbased system, where issues related to the curriculum are addressed, in areas of processively generating implementation of said strategy.
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