Aprendizaje Activo, Trabajo Cooperativo, Lenguaje Total, Estudiantes/docentes, reflexión pedagógicaAbstract
This article seeks to analyze some aspects of active learning from this cooperative level use in an educational environment and their contribution to the development of a human being to achieve the realization of contextualized readings of reality. Therefore, interest in identifying and understanding its scope from the use of language integration skills like reading, writing, speaking and listening with an added value of seeing and dramatize arises.
To develop this text it was achieved taking into account the construction of a letter that encourages the potential reader an inferential, literal and argumentative critical reflection based on reading. It has therefore been possible to establish the similarities between active learning, cooperative work and language oriented constructivist pedagogy where the interests and needs of the students are transcendentally important in relation to the contexts in which they live.
This is how you get from the topics discussed an article of thought as to the construction of knowledge and learning that can be a path towards strengthen
the role of the teacher in the classroom and the student's role in building a project of significant life. That is, "is a cooperative experience in search of a whole language"?
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