
  • Daniela Alejandra Narváez Riascos Facultad de Humanidades
  • Jenny Katherine Yépez Mueses Facultad de Humanidades


Role, Family, Education, Pendemic, Reflection


The purpose of this article is to present an opinion from the different perspectives of analysis, regarding the role that the family plays in education and how it has been affected in its normally by the current pandemic. Supporting its foundation in different aspects of daily life, such as the experience you have with close relatives who are part of the adequacy of the educational process in different educational institutions, the experience in teaching practices and for sure the experience as students from the University of Nariño.
In addition, general aspects of the legalities that are stipulated regarding the duties of the family in the educational process and its function to guarantee their due fulfillment. Trying to reach a reflection that allows to visualize, analyze and investigate, the educational field in times of pandemic.


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How to Cite

Narváez Riascos, D. A., & Yépez Mueses, J. K. (2021). TIEMPOS DE PANDEMIA Y EL PAPEL DE LA FAMILIA EN LA EDUCACIÓN. Revista Huellas, 7(1). Retrieved from https://revistas.udenar.edu.co/index.php/rhuellas/article/view/6304