
  • Leidy Marbell Bolaños Ordoñez Facultad de Humanidades
  • Flor Anyela Córdoba Díaz Facultad de Humanidades
  • Magdaly Yesenia Delgado Viveros Facultad de Humanidades
  • Nulia Yuliana Guerra Pacichaná Facultad de Humanidades


culture, curriculum, context, education, society


The present article has the objective to make known the existing relation between the curriculum and the culture of a society. Due to the important role played by the culture in its development. To do that, the theoretical concepts of culture and curriculum are given. Furthermore, it is done a detailed analysis of the role that the culture plays in the creation of the curriculum. In addition, the cultural context is addressed for a better understanding of the subject in
which the students are and the contributions that the community generates from each cultural context. it is about taking into account the culture of the student, a specific place and time, since the student belongs to a particular culture and a social class. In this way, the topic is approached taking into account what different authors say about the educational and cultural realms. Finally, it is made known the conclusions of the mentioned analysis.


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How to Cite

Bolaños Ordoñez, L. M., Córdoba Díaz, F. A., Delgado Viveros, M. Y., & Guerra Pacichaná, N. Y. (2021). ¿QUÉ PAPEL CUMPLE LA CULTURA EN LA ORGANIZACIÓN CURRICULAR?. Revista Huellas, 7(1). Retrieved from https://revistas.udenar.edu.co/index.php/rhuellas/article/view/6315