
  • Tatiana Marcela Erazo Suancha


pedagogy, education, scientific knowledge, science teaching, meaningful learning, diversity in the classroom


This article presents a bibliographic review of pedagogy as a regulatory tool of education. In this sense, this document intends to analyze and understand how pedagogy originated and how, thanks to it, teaching practices have been improved for students to acquire and understand their environment in a significant way. The unit of analysis was 11 texts selected in an ordered review of 1582 scientific articles, books, legislative-legal textbooks, and a thesis, published between 1991-2019, in Google Scholar and the database of the University of Nariño. In addition, the criteria used to select documents that contribute to this review are within the methodology. From the analysis, results, and integration of the information, it was possible to respond to "how, over time, new knowledge has been generated about the development of teaching practices that are more accessible to the community, which contribute to the meaningful learning of students in formal and informal establishments thanks to pedagogy”. The contributions that this research gives allow us to suggest that future teachers should aim to promote meaningful learning by providing students the opportunity to use what they have learned, develop critical and reflective thinking, and help them build their personal and social identity by taking into account the diversity in the classroom and contributions granted by pedagogy. Thus future teachers must have scientific knowledge of the disciplinary field to be taught and about the science of pedagogy in order to develop effective and significant teaching-learning processes for students. Finally, this article makes significant contributions for those teachers who are in training and are interested in renewing teaching-learning practices.


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How to Cite

Erazo Suancha , T. M. . (2024). SIGNIFICANT TRANSFORMATION OF TEACHING – LEARNING IN THE CLASSROOM. Revista Huellas, 9(2). Retrieved from