Aprendizaje de la electricidad y el magnetismo en contexto rural mediante el ABP
project-based learning, context, electricity, magnetism, strategyAbstract
This article is based on the research named “aprendizaje de la electricidad y el magnetismo aplicando el aprendizaje basado en proyectos”. this research set out a didactic strategy based on projects to teach physics to tenth an eleventh-grade students at Institucion educativa la Floresta in Sapuyes Nariño. For this, it makes an exhaustive analysis about official an institutional document, direct observation and surveys to students and teachers. As result, it demonstrated the lack of science syllabus which join the subjects and guide the teaching of physics from the transversality with the technical area. in the same way, it was found that the curriculum does not have concepts about electromagnetic events in biology and physics subjects. Therefore, this study aims to design support material based on project-based learning (ABP) which allow the student and teacher to follow step by step to help them to find a solution to a problem in their context.in this way, student achieve a meaningful learning about the concepts of electricity and magnetism which are stipulated in the basic learning standards and commit to the constructivist pedagogical model set out in the institution.
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