Implicación de estudiantes de primaria en el desarrollo de tareas pedagógicas para producir discursos cortos en inglés en los colegios La Floresta, San Juan Bosco y San Bartolomé de Nariño.


  • Vivian Dayuley Benavides Díaz Universidad de Nariño
  • Diana Carolina Delgado Riaño Universidad de Nariño
  • Eduardo Alfonso Morales Santacruz Universidad de Nariño



engagement, pedagogical tasks, short speeches (oral production), foreign language LE


This article is the result of the research project “Engagement of fourth and fifth grade students in the development of pedagogical tasks that allow the production of short oral discourses in English in public educational institutions: Agropecuaria La Floresta de Sapuyes, San Juan Bosco de Pasto and San Bartolomé de la Florida’’. This study focused on identifying the engagement level displayed by the population under study when exposed to pedagogical tasks that required the oral production of short discourse samples in English. The research was based on the mixed paradigm, considering both qualitative and quantitative data that complement each other to give it strength; additionally, the project took into account the constructivist approach and the action research method. In regard to data collection, these instruments were used: classroom observation, done through a COLT-based observation scheme, a survey on engagement, and the pedagogical tasks. Each of these instruments aimed at collecting information and data needed to achieve the goal of the study. The results suggest that the students reached a higher degree of engagement after the implementation of the proposed pedagogical tasks, and that learners performed the production of short speeches in English. The results obtained with the participants in this sample, suggest that it is possible to develop oral competence in English, even at a basic level, if clear goals and a series of and structured elements are brought together into carefully designed pedagogical tasks which engage students.


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How to Cite

Benavides Díaz , V. D. ., Delgado Riaño, D. C. ., & Morales Santacruz, E. A. . (2024). Implicación de estudiantes de primaria en el desarrollo de tareas pedagógicas para producir discursos cortos en inglés en los colegios La Floresta, San Juan Bosco y San Bartolomé de Nariño. Revista Huellas, 10(1).