This is an outdated version published on 2024-06-07. Read the most recent version.

Educar más allá del aula: estrategias didácticas en contextos no convencionales


  • Jocelyn Paola Cruz Alpízar Universidad Libre
  • Nadia Paola Acosta Marroquín Universidad Libre
  • Juanita Fernández Nope Universidad Libre



initial education, development, learning, didactics, autonomy, free movement


This presentation explains the importance of developing educational processes adapted for boys and girls, especially in the context of the pandemic; situation in which various alternatives were sought to promote learning experiences. The role of the early childhood education teacher in the creation of pedagogical environments that fostered growth, identity and the construction of significant learning is highlighted here. In this experience, derived from practical investigative work, a pedagogical proposal was implemented based on didactic sequences, specifically in the Pedagogy of Emmi Pikler, which emphasizes the creation of environments that promote psychomotor development, autonomy and emotional security. . of the kids. Likewise, the proposal of Zabalza (2016) was taken into account, which proposes learning spaces and environments for the organization of the classroom. Boys and girls between the ages of 3 and 6 participated in the project, who were taken into account as active subjects in the proposed pedagogical actions. The results found the importance of creating enriching pedagogical environments that offered children significant experiences that contributed to their physical, emotional and social development.


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How to Cite

Cruz Alpízar, J. P. ., Acosta Marroquín, N. P. ., & Fernández Nope, J. . (2024). Educar más allá del aula: estrategias didácticas en contextos no convencionales. Revista Huellas, 10(1).