Math models approach bioeconomic: case analysis for mutual Lotka-Volterra


  • Víctor David Jaramillo Mejía Universidad de Nariño
  • Andrés Fernando Jaramillo Mejía Universidad de Nariño
  • Euclides Díaz Arcos Universidad de Nariño


Bioeconomy, Biodevelopment, model Lotka-Volterra mutualistic


This article seeks to generate an approximation to bioeconomic models by the theoretical-mathematical analysis from the mutualistic model of LotkaVolterra, in order to demonstrate that cooperative relations are possible between two species and they are a solution to the environmental crisis and should be an alternative for food sustainability, environmental and humanitarian situation in all communities. It is necessary to built a conceptual analysis of the proposed model from the perspective of the bioeconomy and biodevelopment, then mathematical procedures will be made in order to facilitate understanding of mutual dynamics from the model proposed of Lotka-Volterra, demonstrating that two species can live in harmony by growth rates, capacity and competitiveness. It is concluded that the bioeconomy as an alternative development mode makes possible better territories, standing out agroecology as a working zone example.


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Author Biographies

Víctor David Jaramillo Mejía, Universidad de Nariño

Economista de la Universidad de Nariño con estudios de posgrado en Economía del Desarrollo (FLACSO) y Máster en Dirección de Proyectos de la Universidad de Valladolid. Docente Universitario. Investigador adscrito al Centro de Estudios de Desarrollo Regional y Empresarial (CEDRE) de la Universidad de Nariño. mailto:

Andrés Fernando Jaramillo Mejía, Universidad de Nariño

Licenciado en Matemáticas de la Universidad de Nariño. Docente Universitario. Experto en minería de datos. mailto:

Euclides Díaz Arcos, Universidad de Nariño

Licenciado en Matemáticas de la Universidad de Nariño. mailto:


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How to Cite

Jaramillo Mejía, V. D., Jaramillo Mejía, A. F., & Díaz Arcos, E. (2014). Math models approach bioeconomic: case analysis for mutual Lotka-Volterra. Tendencias, 14(2), 98–119. Retrieved from