Models of oil exploitation of Ecuador and Colombia: an analysis from the extractivism and neoextractivismo (second part)
extractivism, neoextractivismo, oil exploitation models, Colombia, EcuadorAbstract
In the first part of this work described the conceptual elements around the two types or styles of extractivism. At the same time, gave a presentation of the main changes in the regulatory framework of the oil sector in two countries analyzed: Ecuador and Colombia. The second part, which here appears, has like target, make an empirical review of two models of oil exploitation.
In the quantitative analysis was found important differences in the evolution of the oil sector of the two countries. In the Ecuadorian case, the State was capable to develop an active policy focused on capturing a greater share of the oil income. In Colombia, for his part, was structured a regulatory framework aimed at attracting of capital, that in a context of increase of the prices, made possible a significant increase of the oil production. However, doing the comparison of the conceptual referents concerning to the two types of extractivism and the evolution of the productive and fiscal dynamic the divergence aren't so obvious.
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