Management of operations and human talent: a model of discrete election
Operations management, human talent, logistics, discrete choice models, technical efficiency.Abstract
The objective of this paper is to determine if there is any likelihood that the low
performance in logistics operations management (GO) in Latin America (LA) is
being presented due to the lack of human talent specialized in logistics activities
(TH). The information collection instrument was applied to a sample of 126
smaller companies dedicated to carry out logistics operations in this region, the
instrument used as a resource was the Internet network; the data were analyzed
by confirmatory factor analysis and Logistic Regression, using the statistical
programs SPSS v.23 On the other hand, several issues are noted, the importance
of operations management (OG) and human talent (TH) even though these are
find related, at the research level is little evidence that studies their relationship
for (AL), the work finds evidence in favor of the hypothesis that predicts, the
(TH) influences the performance of (OG), this, the hypothesis part of the theory
of technical efficiency from the works of Farrel (1957).
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