Barriers that difficult strategic planning in organizations


  • Saúl Rick Fernández Hurtado Shanghai University
  • Luz Ángela Martínez Martínez Universidad Autónoma de Occidente
  • Regine Adele Ngono Fouda East China University of Science & Technology



competitiveness, strategic planning, business plan, sustainability, differentiation.


Actually many small businesses are currently failing in the century 21rst because of the lack of implementation of strategic planning and the lack of a business plan that allows them to chart the ways to achieve each of their goals and objectives. This situation is very worrying, because many companies cease their activities and end up going bankrupt damaging the economy and slowing down national development (century 21rst). It is for this reason that this research proposes to show the importance of the development of strategic planning in companies and the implementation of an adequate business plan that provides stability and success in their activities, reducing the risk generated by the current markets. These markets are becoming more competitive, demanding and aggressive. Only the companies that are better structured will be able to compete and grow, solidify their bases and position themselves in the markets. The research is done under the method of reflective research. This allows you to investigate real market information by providing detailed results of the current situation of companies, allowing the generation of new corrective guidelines that allow companies to provide alternative solutions. As a result, it was possible to expand the current vision of the companies and the problems they face by surveying three of the “Macrosnacks” sector that provided fundamental information for the generation of solutions.


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How to Cite

Fernández Hurtado, S. R., Martínez Martínez, L. Ángela, & Ngono Fouda, R. A. (2019). Barriers that difficult strategic planning in organizations. Tendencias, 20(1), 254–279.