Knowledge management practices in third sector organizations (ngos): case study


  • Adriana Aguilera Castro Universidad del Valle
  • Vanessa Asprilla Castillo Universidad del Valle



knowledge management, NGOs, case study, organizations, third sector


This paper aims to empirically verify knowledge management practices in a third sector organization (NGO). Non-governmental organizations are increasingly important, since they manage to meet unmet social needs; therefore, the study of their knowledge management practices is significant to support the improvement of their management. This article addresses a case study; the research approach is qualitative, descriptive and semi-structured interviews were applied to the collection of information. The case study is the Carlos Portela Foundation, an organization recognized in the Valle del Cauca (Colombia), for its work in support of children with cancer and their families. The results obtained in the study show that the Carlos Portela Foundation develops practices of acquisition, socialization, storage, distribution and use of knowledge, which for the most part lack a formally established structure. This situation can be explained mainly because there is no clarity of what it means to manage knowledge and the benefits, opportunities and potentials that this activity represents for the development of organizations.


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How to Cite

Aguilera Castro, A., & Asprilla Castillo, V. (2019). Knowledge management practices in third sector organizations (ngos): case study. Tendencias, 20(2), 49–68.