Marketing analysis in the stores and superettes of the city of San Juan de Pasto
Marketing, customer service, distribution channel, stores and superstarsAbstract
This article aims to analyze the aspects related to the marketing of the stores and superstars of the city of San Juan de Pasto, so, this writing is the result of a quantitative investigation, pretending to give an explanation of a social reality with a type of descriptive study and a deductive method, through the collection of documentary information and surveys of shopkeepers in the different districts of the city in question.
This depends on the importance of the shops and supermarkets in the consumers of the different districts of the city, which, despite the incursion of the supermarkets and other types of businesses, they still enjoy great prestige not only because of the role they play within the canal, but also because they are a source of sustenance for countless families.
Finally, marketing actions are presented, which aim to improve the competitiveness of shops and supermarkets according to their objectives and this information is for the shopkeeper an input of information of those variables that can contribute to generate greater business income.
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