Strategic management in the entrepreneurial culture of university institutions


  • Fernando Suarez Galvis Institución Universitaria ITSA
  • Jorge Luis Vengoechea Orozco Universidad Metropolitana
  • Luis Fernando Landazury Villalba Universidad Simón Bolívar
  • Eliana Noriega Revueltas InstituciónUniversitaria ITSA
  • Armando Mejia Pascuales Institución Universitaria ITSA



Strategic management, entrepreneurship culture, seedbed of entrepreneurship, education, higher education centers


In a generalized context in Colombia, the analysis of strategic management as an administration platform is a project for those university institutions that have a research and entrepreneurship department. The objective is to suggest the formulation of guidelines that allow the development of habits, with the purpose of unifying criteria in the academic environment due to the interest of higher education institutions. Hence, the purpose of this work is to implement strategic management for the development of a culture of entrepreneurship, assuming an epistemological approach, based on a documentary review - bibliographical of existing experiences and models supported by the following authors Louffat (2010), Acevedo et al (2010), Ackerman & Cervilla (2007), Suárez (2017). The results were oriented to the different strategies treated by the authors that integrate the actions that must be fulfilled for the development of a culture of entrepreneurship, in addition to the center of strategic management and entrepreneurship studies. Recommended, the creation of the scientific circle of seedlings in entrepreneurship, where the foundations will be laid to train students since they enter the university.


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How to Cite

Suarez Galvis, F., Vengoechea Orozco, J. L., Landazury Villalba, L. F., Noriega Revueltas, E., & Mejia Pascuales, A. (2019). Strategic management in the entrepreneurial culture of university institutions. Tendencias, 20(2), 163–181.