Human resources management and peacebuilding: a theoretical approach


  • Cristian Bedoya Dorado Fundación Universitaria Católica Lumen Gentium
  • Laura Salas Arbeláez Universidad del Valle
  • Mónica García Solarte Universidad del Valle



peacebuilding; human resources management; posconflict


The post-conflict scenarios appeal from contributions from different actors for the construction of peace, and the non-repetition of the violent conflict. Experiences in some countries of the world suggest that companies play a fundamental role in these scenarios, because they contribute to the social and economic development of societies, which constitutes a pillar for the construction of peace especially from human management practices. The objective of this article is to identify which are the macro-processes of the human management that contribute from the organizations in the construction of peace. For this, the research used as a method the review of the academic literature, pointing out the contributions of different authors. The main results indicate that the macro-processes of human management that contribute to the construction of peace are organization and planning of the area, incorporation and adaptation of people to the organization, compensation, given mainly by the benefits and development of personnel given by training. Likewise, the results indicate that these macro-processes are mainly oriented to economic development as a dimension of peace building. This implies that human management processes are required for organizations to actively participate in the construction of peace in post-conflict scenarios.


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How to Cite

Bedoya Dorado, C., Salas Arbeláez, L., & García Solarte, M. (2019). Human resources management and peacebuilding: a theoretical approach. Tendencias, 20(2), 138–162.