Imagen, sociedad, y modernidad en el departamento de Nariño, 1870-2010


  • Ricardo Oviedo Arévalo Universidad de Nariño


Photography, semiology, image, territory, society, modernity, religion


The Department of Nariño is a territorial entity with a rich historical heritage written by renowned researchers demonstrated as Don Jose Rafael Sanudo, Leopoldo Lopez Alvarez and Jorge Elias Ortiz through fruitful investigative paths on different stages of their republic.

The reconstruction of historical memory and social Nariño Department by means of photography constitutes an alternative mode of research in the field of social sciences when it poses to hermeneutical file for social analysis through the image, as a alternative and innovative resource in the social inquiry. Thus, the picture makes the research process, allowing other approaches and readings through the semiotics of the image, whose practice is the work of disciplinary history: Serge Gruzinski (1949-), on the creation of imaginary and social history of mentalities. In Umberto Eco (1932-) with his studies of semiotics and aesthetics, and Armando Silva (1998), on urban imaginaries.

The creation of the Department of Nariño was a project late in the reorganization of territory to the beginning of the twentieth century, with a conservative and religious influence, showing graphically the difficulties and social conflicts in southwestern Colombia with the characteristics of multi-ethnicity and pluriculturidad, which nevertheless helped in building the region’s speech through the image.

Thus, construct and relate three types of readings on the Department of Nariño, the first concerning the contrasts of geography and society (Harvey, 2007), the second, concerning the social landscape (Appadurai, 2001) and the third, processes of settlement in their territory (Santos, 2000). The photograph allows the reading of these three variables in different regional historical moments, it does demonstrate the concept of the Department of Nariño as a land of sharp contrasts and hybridizations social, cultural and regional, that needs to be studied from other conceptual approaches, that have not yet been explored.


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Author Biography

Ricardo Oviedo Arévalo, Universidad de Nariño

Doctor en sociología, profesor asociado Udenar, director del departamento de sociología.


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How to Cite

Oviedo Arévalo, R. (2013). Imagen, sociedad, y modernidad en el departamento de Nariño, 1870-2010. Tendencias, 13(1), 55–81. Retrieved from