Balance preliminar de la aplicación de la ley 1176 de 2007


  • Luis Hernando Portillo Riascos Universidad de Nariño


General System of Participation, Law 1176 of 2007, Decentralization


The paper shows a description of the results reached beginning with the implementación of law 1176, 2007 that modifies the system of transferences from the municipalities to the departaments. The first part is a summary of the decentralization process in Colombia taking as reference the 1991 constitution: then it is made a quantitative analysis of the assignments doing a comparison between the methodology adopted in Act 715, 2001 and the legislative act 04, 2007. Some sectoral indicators are shown in order to make evidence the impact generated by the rule norm standard as well as the shortcomings of it. It shows that the main reason for the reform is to balance Central Government finances, whom in spite of earning fiscal surpluses hasn’t reflected in a bud getary state compared with this situation it is explained the adoption of a fiscal rule, based in a structural primary surplus that allows the countercyclical action of the fiscal policy. The state is called to be more vehement in the exigency of results together with local authorities due to these last ones are accustomed to a subsidiary system, that has generated fiscal laziness; in addition to that it isn’t made a transparent pursuit beside the execution of resourses so there are deficient products.


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Author Biography

Luis Hernando Portillo Riascos, Universidad de Nariño

Economista, Egresado Distinguido, Especialista en Finanzas, Universidad de Nariño. Docente Tiempo Completo Programa de Economía Universidad de Nariño. E-mail


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How to Cite

Portillo Riascos, L. H. (2013). Balance preliminar de la aplicación de la ley 1176 de 2007. Tendencias, 12(1), 7–43. Retrieved from