
  • Víctor David Jaramillo Mejía Universidad de Nariño


Business Cycle, Underlying Components, Schumpeter’s Tricyclic Model, Spectral Analysis, Stylized Facts


This paper presents the application of a spectral analysis as a macroeconometric tool the Colombian Economic cycle In order to find out if it fits into the Schumpeter’s tricyclic model. First of all it is necessary to develop theoretical and mathematical aspects related to concepts of business cycle, underlying components, Schumpeter’s tricyclic model and spectral analysis. Later the statistical work to the time series Colombian GDP provided by GRECO, by applying the Hodrick-Pescott and function Tramo/Seats, to determine the trend, cycle and the irregular variable, additionally the periodogram will be created to determine the frequency with which they meet the different cycles in Colombia. Finally, complement the work with the analysis of stylized facts that will enable correlation and volatility of economic variables in long-term cycle.


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How to Cite

Jaramillo Mejía, V. D. (2013). APLICACIÓN DEL ANÁLISIS ESPECTRAL DE SERIES TEMPORALES AL MODELO TRICÍCLICO DE SCHUMPETER. Tendencias, 11(2), 63–83. Retrieved from https://revistas.udenar.edu.co/index.php/rtend/article/view/549