international financial crisis, economic growth, economies of less developed countries, Latin American economiesAbstract
With particular focal time since 2004, the Latin American economic growth has been associated with towering prices of exports. It was not so much because of the quatum of exports, but rather due to the high prices of those traditional and nature-based products the region usually accounts as main contributions to the world economy. In addition, Latin American countries, from 2001 to 2008 have had as a positive factor, important amounts of net foreign investments. That set of conditions has been overturned since the beginning of the present financial crisis, specifically since September 2008. It is expected that regional economic growth will achieve minimum in 2009, and macroeconomic recovery in 2010. Based on the aforementioned circumstances, this study has as its main aim to formulate a comparative analysis for 23 Latin American countries. The foremost argument is that for some countries current crisis is severe, while others have almost no sign of negative impact on their economies.
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