
  • Giovanni Reyes Universidad de Pittsburgh


social and economic development, social theory, human development


The main purpose of this paper is to discuss the main features concerning predominantly theories of social and economic development, and to establish relationships derived from these theoretical claims, to the prevailing conceptual attributes of the human development theory. To typify this last concept, this research has taken into account, especially principal concepts of the human development paradigm utilized by the United Nations Organization, that theoretical postulate which is part of the foundations of the World Human Development Report, as well as reports for regional and national circumstances.


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How to Cite

Reyes, G. (2013). TEORÍAS DE DESARROLLO ECONÓMICO Y SOCIAL: ARTICULACIÓN CON EL PLANTEAMIENTO DE DESARROLLO HUMANO. Tendencias, 10(1), 117–142. Retrieved from https://revistas.udenar.edu.co/index.php/rtend/article/view/616

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