Application of the nerlovian partial adjustment model to estimate plantain supply elasticity in Colombia




cointegration, stationarity, price expectations, supply response, vector autoregressive


The objective of this study was to estimate the response of the plantain supply and the short and long-term elasticities through the partial adjustment model developed by Nerlove, based on the period between 2000 and 2018. An explanatory, quantitative and correlational research design was applied and for the empirical estimation, the methodology of autoregressive vectors was used. The results indicated that the coefficients associated with lagged price and production were positive, significant and consistent with economic theory. The short-term elasticities were inelastic and similar to studies related to permanent crops, thus price polices are not an effective tool to increase supply due the low response to price movements.


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Author Biographies

Susan Cancino, University of Pamplona

Master of Business Administration, University of Nottingham, UK. Member of the Plant Biotechnology Research Group, University of Pamplona. ORCiD: 0000-0001-7827-8502. E-mail:, Colombia.

Giovanni Orlando Cancino Escalante, University of Pamplona

PhD in Biotechnology, University of Nottingham, UK. Professor at the University of Pamplona. Director of the Plant Biotechnology Research Group, University of Pamplona. ORCiD: 0000-0002-3812-1129. E-mail:, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Cancino, S., & Cancino Escalante, G. O. (2021). Application of the nerlovian partial adjustment model to estimate plantain supply elasticity in Colombia. Tendencias, 22(2), 57–75.