Modernity, modernization, and their convergence. A teoric, conceptual and operational framework for investigating change in societies in transition
innovative behavior, democratization, modernization, sociology of change, social environmentAbstract
The purpose of the article was to review some of the definitions of Modernity and Modernization and the proposals for their convergence, in order to guide the studies of these processes in particular societies, such as those of Latin America, in which development and backwardness coexist generating conflicts and inequality.
The theories of some contemporary authors were reviewed, especially sociology, as well as the reflections of Latin American social scientists from different disciplines, such as economics. The criteria chosen to select these sources were based on their explanatory richness and the range of indicators they offer to identify and investigate the particularity of the change.
The review showed that in the operational definitions of modernization and in the way in which the overcoming of the tensions between this process of change and modernity is manifested, there are dimensions and indicators to investigate, analyze and characterize them in this type of societies. He also showed that contemporary definitions of these processes offer a limited explanation of their dynamics that mix different speeds and rhythms in the same time and space.
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