Determinants in the use of business simulators: Company Game case
student adaptation, active learning, online learning, social skills, educational technologyAbstract
The use of simulators in educational processes has gained strength in recent years, and they have become tools that support improving students' generic skills and competencies, such as assertive communication, time and information management, teamwork, and analysis techniques, but it is necessary to investigate whether other aspects may influence the time of use and application of business simulators, as well as the results obtained. The approach used in this research is quantitative-explanatory and synchronous time and uses the Company Game business game simulator database as a source of information, taking information from 1,197 records. The study's objective is to identify variables that influence the teams' performance in the game of business simulators, such as academic background, context, and training. The results of the logistic regression model and the non-parametric equation model (PLS-SEM) show that the time spent and the number of page queries associated with the simulation game is the determinants that explain the variation in the ranking results, providing a better understanding to people interested in knowledge construction processes mediated by electronic learning methods that seek to strengthen generic skills.
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