Remote work as the main attraction in job offers: a consequence of the COVID-19




conditions of employment, hiring, employment, supply and demand, pandemic, job satisfaction


As a consequence of the pandemic caused by COVID-19, some companies were forced to carry out their operations remotely, in order to face quarantine without putting their business at risk. After a year and a half, companies have begun to ask their employees to return to the office, but some of them have decided to resign before returning to work 100% in person, a phenomenon that has been called «the Great Resignation» which has increased unemployment and, at the same time, has generated a change in the preference of candidates when responding to job offers. The objective of this study focuses on exploring through a survey the preferences of employees and candidates in the options that job offers may present in terms of the remote work modality. The main finding is that more than 48% want to choose what percentage of their work will be remote and which one will not and, additionally, it was found that more than 84% of the studied sample would be interested in a job offer that provides remote work with any of its alternatives.


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Author Biography

Félix Oscar Socorro Márquez, Complutense University of Madrid

Doctor of Administrative Sciences, UNESR. Fellow researcher, School of Economic and Business Sciences, Department of Business Organization, Complutense University of Madrid. ORCiD: 0000-0002-0238-9879. E-mail:, Madrid – España.


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How to Cite

Socorro Márquez, F. O. (2024). Remote work as the main attraction in job offers: a consequence of the COVID-19 . Tendencias, 25(1), 322–346.