Knowledge and practices of educational agents and oral health conditions of children in the municipality of Santa Rosa de Cabal, Colombia




Child, Oral health, Caregivers, Dental caries, Dental plaque


Introduction: The modified prevalence of caries in early childhood is 61.92%. Ignorance in oral health on the part of caregivers is one of the reported causes. Objective: To determine knowledge and practices of educational agents and oral health conditions of children in community households and child development centers of the Colombian Family Welfare Institute (ICBF) in Santa Rosa de Cabal in 2016. Materials and methods: A quantitative, descriptive and transversal study was made. Characterization surveys were applied to 198 children and 20 educational agents about knowledgeable attitudes and practices and dental indices. Univariate and Chi2 statistics were applied. Results: 90% of the agents recognize caries as the most frequent disease, 50% perform brushing of children without using dental floss. Modified caries prevalence was demonstrated in 63.6% and 61.3% average O'Leary index. There is an association between the CEO-D Index, area of residence and socioeconomic strata with p < 0.05 value. Conclusions: Agents demonstrate conceptual gaps that require an education approach by dentists. The state of oral health of early childhood indicates a percentage above the modified prevalence of caries at the national level and the index O'Leary risk of oral diseases.


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Author Biography

Yency Quintero-García, Autonomous University Foundation of the Americas. Pereira, Colombia

Fundación Universitaria Autónoma de las Américas. Pereira, Colombia



How to Cite

Sánchez-Peña MK, Galvis-Aricapa JA, Álzate-Urrea S, Lema-Agudelo D, Lobón-Córdoba LM, Quintero-García Y, Carmona-Medina SL. Knowledge and practices of educational agents and oral health conditions of children in the municipality of Santa Rosa de Cabal, Colombia. Univ. Salud [Internet]. 2018Nov.30 [cited 2024Sep.26];21(1):27-3. Available from:



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