Health effects after migration and the mediating role of acculturation and family cohesion




Health, Migration, Acculturation, Family cohesion


Introduction: Migration is a process that implies changes for the migrant, these are reflected in the activities and practices that are carried out in the receiving place, and often they are different from the place of origin. However these activities are acquired gradually, and by participating in them, they alter family cohesion and promote the acculturation process. Such changes may have an effect on the health of the immigrant. Objective: To identify the effects that migration has on the health of the migrant and the mediating role of family cohesion and acculturation. Materials and methods: A systematic search (PRISMA methodology) was carried out in the PubMed database of complete articles, using as keywords: Migrant, acculturation, family cohesion. Results: High family cohesion is a protective health factor, because it strengthens the identity and cultural belonging of the immigrant.  Acculturation brings certain unfavorable behaviors for health, related to the need to be accepted and to participate in activities and practices of the receiving place. Conclusions: Strengthening family cohesion can be a strategy to improve the health condition of people who migrate.


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Author Biography

Raúl Alberto Zavaleta-Abad, Instituto de Salud Pública, Universidad Veracruzana. Veracruz, México

Estudiante de la Licenciatura en Nutrición


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How to Cite

Zavaleta-Abad RA, Campos-Uscanga Y. Health effects after migration and the mediating role of acculturation and family cohesion. Univ. Salud [Internet]. 2019Aug.31 [cited 2024Sep.26];21(3):261-9. Available from:



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