“Environmental Education”, is a challenge to build the relevant curriculum for Post-agreement territories





Environmental Education, Relevant Curriculum, Challenge and Post-Agreement


The inhabitants of the territories affected by violence in Colombia have lived the drama of the disappearance of their family members, missing neighbors, abuse, rape, the loss of their land, environmental degradation and displacement. These factors have destabilized and marked the life of those who suffered it, who after the peace process returned to the territory, requiring relevant education that will help answer their needs.

 Within the research titled "Relevance of Environmental Education in the Post-agreement period", conducted by the author, gives as results the lack of relevance of curriculum processes in educational establishments, with little generation of appropriate alternatives for the articulation of environmental education and requiring the involvement of the educational community in the construction of the School Environmental Project, using as axes of learning and teaching practice the mitigation of environmental impacts caused by armed conflict.


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How to Cite

Castro, J. J., & Gómez Hernández, M. Y. (2019). “Environmental Education”, is a challenge to build the relevant curriculum for Post-agreement territories. ESTUDIOS LATINOAMERICANOS, (44-45), 69–79. https://doi.org/10.22267/rceilat.194445.25

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