Education, Progress and the nation: The wishful thinking in the colonized school




Education, Progress, Citizenship, National state, Diversity, Development


The teach for democracy and the access to progress have been two essential axes in the way in which the school was built in the Latin-American context. This
text invites us to understand the arrival of scholar building in the background of the national states, around the settled of the new republics of the 19th century.
Furthermore, we review how education has transformed itself along the time with the ideas of progress, national state evolution and the new interpretations about the development. We aboard the issues about how the ideas of progress and education were decisively to build a homogeneous country sometimes against our cultural diversity.


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Author Biography

Jose Luis Revelo Calvache, Mag., Universidad Nacional de Colombia – sede Medellín

Estudiante de Doctorado en Ciencias Humanas y Sociales, Universidad Nacional de Colombia – sede Medellín.
Magíster en desarrollo educativo y social. Universidad Pedagógica Nacional.


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How to Cite

Revelo Calvache, J. L. (2020). Education, Progress and the nation: The wishful thinking in the colonized school. ESTUDIOS LATINOAMERICANOS, (46-47), 73–94.



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