
  • Harold Mateus Eraso Ibarra
  • María Alejandra Flórez Onofre


research, conceptions, school context


This article presents the progress of the research called
"Conceptions and attitudes of teachers and students for
the development of a proposal of training researchers
at school" developed by researchers from the Master
of Education at Universidad de Nariño, which focused
on two institutions in the municipality of Pasto,
Instituto Champagnat and Colegio Filipense, in order to
characterize the students' conceptions about research at
school, whose methodology included the application of
semi-structured interviews to 56 students through the
focus group technique.
The advances that were obtained reveal the conceptions
of the students regarding the investigative processes;
these reaffirm the importance of the investigation in the
school since the students state that the investigation is a
process of ongoing search that allows to solve problems,
expanding the knowledge, developing critical thinking
and understanding the world, aspects that constitute
an important pillar when thinking about implementing
these processes in the school environment.
Lastly, it is recognized that research is important, due to
the evidence of needing to implement research processes
at school and from the classroom, and because of the
great contribution they can provide to the teachinglearning


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How to Cite

Eraso Ibarra, H. M., & Flórez Onofre, M. A. (2022). “CONCEPCIONES DE ESTUDIANTES SOBRE INVESTIGACIÓN-ALGUNOS AVANCES”. Revista Huellas, 8(2), 65–68. Retrieved from https://revistas.udenar.edu.co/index.php/rhuellas/article/view/7702