
  • Viviana Jacqueline Rosales Chaves


application, teaching-learning, English, learning styles, technology, strategy


Currently, learning English is a fundamental
process, especially with the new era of information
technologies that contributes to breaking down
borders and bringing people closer, therefore,
it is essential to potentiate its practice from the
first years, turning it into an easy-to-use second
language, overcoming those problems that arise
in its acquisition. Thus, both educational centers
and teachers must provide didactic strategies and
tools that facilitate the teaching-learning process
of English and that are related to the immediate
environment of the students. Taking into account
the study carried out with preschool students, a
problem related to the acquisition of the English
language is evident, since the teachers handle
a traditionalist teaching based on repetition
and memorization, a situation that leads to
discouragement on the part of the students. The
general objective is: Develop the communicative
competence of the English language. Likewise,
the specific objectives: 1. Analyze learning
styles during the use of the APP application “El
Gran Caco”. 2. Integrate the curricular activities
of the English area through the use of the APP
application “El Gran Caco”, for the development
of the communicative competence of the English
language. 3. Evaluate the development of the
communicative competence of the English
language achieved through the use of the APP
application “El Gran Caco”. In this way, it is proposed
to intervene proactively through the APP as an
ideal instrument for strengthening English in
minors, since it presents innovative characteristics
that are effective in promoting the acquisition
of a second language. The methodology used is
oriented from the qualitative paradigm, based
on a reflective practical approach that promotes
access to renewed and quality training that
allows students and teachers to develop skills
that improve their abilities and skills. The type of
action research is applied.
For the collection of information, the following
techniques were used: participant observation,
semi-structured interview and field diary. The
results obtained with the implementation of
the APP “El Gran Caco” in English classes with
preschool students were favorable, since the
children handled it naturally without setbacks,
it also aroused interest, motivation and taste
for the classes. In addition, each student was
autonomous and handled the APP individually
and at their own pace. Making them more
receptive and participatory, developing in a
pleasant environment, where a guided teaching
process was generated with the support of
disciplinary applications and significant learning.
In general, the students were motivated by its use
and are interested in doing more activities that
involve the use of the computer.


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How to Cite

Rosales Chaves, V. J. . (2023). “EL GRAN CACO” APPLICATION AS A SUPPORT TOOL FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE IN PRESCHOOL STUDENTS. Revista Huellas, 9(1). Retrieved from https://revistas.udenar.edu.co/index.php/rhuellas/article/view/8085