Brief considerations about the importance of decision trees in portfolio analysis




Financial decision trees, profitability analysis trees, Investment decisions, Investment Portfolios.


The special relationship between finance, econometrics, statistical modeling and computational simulation processes has experimented an increase in the last 50 years. The aim of this paper is to explain some considerations related to the potential application of the decision trees in financial theory and particularly as a complement in the design of traditional profitability trees. This paper suggests that the relevance attributed to profitability trees as well as portfolio modelling in financial theory, must be supplemented and secured by simulation tools which allows to anticipate future scenarios and the development of ex-ante policies. Therefore, the analysis of an investment portfolio is reinforced through profitability trees, particularly, aslant three different combinations of risk and profitability. This exercise allows to conclude that the returns of an investment portfolio related to the proposed scenarios show different results based on the Statistical probability of winning or losing.


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Author Biographies

Julio César Riascos, Universidad Mariana Universidad de Nariño

Magister en Gerencia y Asesoría Financiera, Universidad Mariana, Profesor e investigador Universidad Mariana y Universidad de Nariño. Integrante de los Grupos de Investigación CONTAR, Coyuntura Económica y Social y FRONTERA SUR. Email:

Jesús Enrique Molina Muñoz, Universidad Mariana

Magister en Finanzas, Universidad EAFIT, Profesor e Investigador Universidad Mariana. Integrante del Grupo de Investigación CONTAR. Email:


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How to Cite

Riascos, J. C., & Molina Muñoz, J. E. (2016). Brief considerations about the importance of decision trees in portfolio analysis. Tendencias, 17(1), 11–33.