City branding as a market strategy to promote tourism in the city of Ipiales
Brand, Territorial brand, Value creation, Positioning, Tourism.Abstract
The purpose of this paper is to create a city brand (City Branding) for the city of Ipiales - Nariño, as a market strategy to promote and promote tourism in the city of Ipiales, so this writing is the result of a quantitative research, trying to give an explanation of a social reality with a type of descriptive study and a deductive method, through tools of collection of documentary information and surveys to residents and visitors of the mentioned city. In the first place, the potentialities that Ipiales has in terms of tourist sites were identified, secondly, the perception of residents and visitors about the city was.
evaluated, as well as identifying important attributes of the city and finally, taking into account the need to stimulate the image and identity of the city of Ipiales, as a basis for urban recognition and national positioning, the creation of a brand that grants differentiation and notoriety for the city was proposed, determining that, the creation of a brand for the city of Ipiales is relevant by the geographical location, the tourist places and the historical and cultural component, contributing to strengthen the urban dynamics and the tourist development.
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