B-learning como propuesta para la alternancia educativa


  • José Fernando Ibarra Caicedo, Mg. Docente, Universidad de Nariño


This reflection article collects the educational experiences resulting from the adaptation of the teaching and learning processes to the context of the contingency caused by the measures adopted by the Government of Colombia to prevent the spread of COVID-19, making use of its own methodologies of virtual education, aimed at promoting personalized and flexible learning, based on the development of critical and creative thinking, through learning activities that allow the student to consolidate their knowledge, promoting metacognition and autonomous work through focused dynamics in the process and not in the end results.

The objective of this proposal is to present an educational alternative that truly responds to the needs of the Latin American student context in the application of virtual education as a learning methodology that takes advantage of the different possibilities offered by the digital world and enables the continuation of training processes within the framework of social restrictions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic

This research was carried out with 60 students from the Computer Science degree program at the University of Nariño, with whom a didactic strategy based on b-learning as a virtual education methodology was developed, then the adaptation of the pedagogical proposal and its application In a digital learning environment according to the guidelines of the University of Nariño, it was evidenced that the training process can be carried out without inconveniences derived from the difficulty in the connectivity conditions, availability of equipment or socioeconomic barriers typical of the Latin American context, strengthening the learning processes in the student who finds in the proposal a way to continue with their training process, reaching their personal goals and purposes, reducing academic dropout and social gaps in the teaching and learning processes derived from virtual education as a contingency alternative of the ef ects of social isolation in higher education.


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How to Cite

Ibarra Caicedo, J. F. (2021). B-learning como propuesta para la alternancia educativa. Revista Universitaria De Informática RUNIN, 8(11), 81–113. Retrieved from https://revistas.udenar.edu.co/index.php/runin/article/view/6732



Artículos de reflexión