Application of the nanobiotechnology with the system CRISP-Cas
Biotechnology, Recombinant, CRISPR-associated proteins, Immunologic memory, Genetic engineeringAbstract
Introduction: Nanobiotechnology and synthetic biology are sciences that impact today with the launching of innovative and beneficial applications for the human being. These sciences have been amalgamated to manufacture new components for the construction of totally artificial cells and the creation of synthetic biomolecules. Objective: To know the applications of nanobiotechnology related to the use of the system CRISPR/Cas in the storage of bacterial DNA and therapeutic alternatives. Materials and methods: A bibliographical review on the main applications of nanobiotechnology was carried out in ScienceDirect, SciELO, PubMed databases and in magazines such as: Nature Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Science and Journal Microbiology. Results: The literature review describes and analyzes the new nanobiotechnology applications used to write information in the genetic code of bacterial cells, in which the system is used based on short grouped and regularly interspaced palindromic repetitions (CRISPR/Cas) and the production of synthetic DNA, as well as therapeutic alternatives related to gene therapy. Conclusion: Among the nanobiotechnology applications, two methods to record information in the DNA of bacterial cells Escherichia coli and Sulfolobus Tokodai have been shown, which are linked to the use of the system CRISPR/Cas and the production of synthetic DNA, as well as the use of CRISPR/Cas in gene and cellular therapy.Downloads
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