Self-care for teenagers on dialysis
Self-care, Adolescent, Renal insufficiency, chronic, Treatment adherenceAbstract
Introduction: Self-care for adolescents with chronic end-stage renal failure who are on dialysis has been understudied; although, it constitutes an important mechanism for health care. Objective: To identify the scientific evidence on the self-care of adolescents with chronic end-stage renal failure on dialysis. Materials and methods: The Biomed Central-Open Acces, E-books collation EBSCO, EBSCO, Global Health, ISI Web of Science, OVID, PubMed Central, SciELO, Science Direct, SCOPUS and Springer Link databases were consulted by using the keywords: self-care, adolescents, chronic noncommunicable diseases, chronic end-stage renal failure, adherence, pharmacological adherence, adherence to treatment, in Spanish and English. Results: From 452 articles consulted, 84 were selected because they met the inclusion criteria and four chapters of analysis were built: adherence to treatment, restriction in the intake of fluids, interventions aimed at strengthening therapeutic adherence and qualitative approximations to the self-care of adolescents with chronic end-stage renal failure. Conclusions: Self-care of adolescents with chronic end-stage renal failure on dialysis has been addressed mainly from a quantitative approach. Multiple factors interfere with adherence to treatment; therefore, the need for new approaches to cope with the challenge of self-care both in practice and in research is evident.
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