Introduction: Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a chronic disease whose high prevalence makes it an important public, social and economic health problem in countries. Objective: To identify risk factors potentially associated with glycemic control and metabolic syndrome (MS) of patients with T2DM of a Health Services Institution (IPS) in Villavicencio, Colombia. Materials and methods: A transverse analytical study from secondary information was made. Multivariate models based on binomial regressions were established to analyze reasons of prevalence adjusted in two variables: metabolic syndrome and glycemic control. Results: More than 90% of individuals were over 49 years old; 50.6% were men; 46.6% showed the glycosylated hemoglobin test (HbA1c) figures greater than 7%; 64.5% had MS. Individuals with hyperglycemia had 3.1 times the risk of inadequate glycemic control (95% CI: 2,28-4,25, p < 0.05); Those with hypothyroidism presented 1.2 times more risk of developing MS (95% CI: 1,01-1,35; p < 0.05) and those with heart disease had 1.3 times the risk of developing MS. Conclusions: Despite being a controlled population and in the process of monitoring, high percentage of patients presented inadequate metabolic control which increases cardiovascular risk. This suggests optimizing institutional follow-up processes.